Monday, March 16, 2009


Today I updated my webliography and i added two more websites to the page. tomarrow i hope to get almost fineshed with the notes that i have to take.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Finshing Touches

So far so good i finished up my webliography and I'm starting to finish up my foundations questions. Know the only problem is that im looking for someone to interview. i have somebody to but i dont know if he will be able to with his schedule so i might just ask him if he says no i dont know what im going to do.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Foundation Questions

  • What type of trouble are the kids in?
  • What are the locations that the kids live in?
  • What agency's offer basketball programs?
  • What are the mission statements for these agency's?
  • Is it stereotypical to put a basketball into inner-city youth's hands to keep them out of trouble?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did You Know's

QUESTION: Did You Know…?


· Harry “Bucky” Lew was the first African American to integrate a basketball league and play professionally.
· 1905 the first African American Basketball League (Interscholastic Athletic Association of the Middle States.)
· 1927 Harlem Globetrotters are created originally called Savoy Big Five renamed by agent Abe Saperstein.
· Philadelphia Tribunes: one of the first most dominant African American women teams (1931)
· Many African Americans play basketball while they are in the ‘hood’ and only 32 of them make it to the NBA.
· Inner-city Residents play basketball to make a way out of the city and have a better life.
· The African American Approach for playing basketball emphasized speed, agility, leaping and creative ball handling.


· African Americans in Sports: Basketball
· Basketball Career Still An Inner City Dream.

“it is an affordable sport that offers young men and women a chance to display their skills, creativity and athleticism.”

Source: Website

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Topic: Why Does It Seem Like In The African American Communities To Solve Everyone Males Problem They Use Basketball As An Outlet!!!!

The reason that i changed my topic is because the golfing idea would be more expensive and it wasn't a good topic for me because i wouldn't have the time to do it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Essential Question: How good at golf would i be if practice every other weekend.

Foundation Project:
1. What is the basic fundementals of playing golf?

2. What will i be able to learn from playing golf?

I can't think about anyother question right know but i will hopefully be able to come up with more over the weekend.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Far.....So Good

I have found some really good sites about learning how to play golf. They are thorough with the information and take you step by step to learn how to play. Tomarrow I plan on finding more information on how to play golf....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Changed Project

I really thought about my project idea but i concluded that i would like to learn how to play golf for my graduation project. The reason i changed it is because i became really interested in this golf because people my dad knows said it is a fun game to learn how to play and it teaches you things like patience.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Topic Ideas

I heard alot of things about the graduation project at city high. I have also heard about some at other schools. I know some people that already graduated from city high that had to go through the process of presenting their grad project in front of a panel of people. Most of them said that it was hard to do at first but within the first couple slides then they let go of that fear and didn't even worry bout it anymore.

I would like to structure my graduation project around sports, music, and possibly a new mascot. the only concerns that i have about this subject is how much work as well as how much time that it would take, also how i would go about accomplishing it.

Basketball Collage

Basketball Collage